Monday 25 July 2011

Tonights session

Tonights session is exactly the same as Fridays workout, so lots of Abs. Refer to Friday's post to see the workout.

Saturday = Legs

Saturdays session was the heavy leg session the same as the week before. Heavy Squats, Split Squat, Stiff Leg Deads and Calf work. It only lasted 35mins but was a good session. Gluets killed all day and the next. So it means the Squats worked.

Friday 22 July 2011

Jumps and Abs

Tonights session is as follows:-
10 x Heavy bag jump and Ball Slam @ 5kg
20 x GHD Sit Ups
10 x Heavy bag jump and Ball Slam @ 5kg
30 x Knee to Elbows
10 x Heavy bag jump and Ball Slam @ 5kg
40 x Sit Ups (Feet anchored)
10 x Heavy bag jump and Ball Slam @ 5kg
50 x Atomic Sit Ups
10 x Heavy bag jump and Ball Slam @ 5kg
60 x Flutter Kicks
As you can see there is alot of Ab work in this workout combined with power (jumps and slams). So it may take its toll towards the end of the session. Will report back once completed.

Thursday 21 July 2011

Tonights Session

Tonights session is another up the ladder circuit. This time we have:-
10 x Pull Ups
20 x Press Ups
30 x Squats @ 60kg
400m Row
The session shouldnt last too long, but I have a feeling that with the rowing thrown in with the strength components it will be a tough one
I had an idea to vary the grip / stance / hand positioning per round on the strength exercises, so start off with wide grip pulls, wide arm press ups, and power squats and each round bring the grip closer to make it narrower? We will see how that pans out though.

Up the Ladder Strength Based Circuit

Yesterdays session consisted of the following:-
20 x Pull Ups
30 x Ball Slam @ 5kg
40 x Knee to Elbows
30 x Press Ups on Bosu
40 x Squats @ 50kg
20 x GHD Wall Ball @ 5kg

This circuit only lasted about 15mins and wasnt as hard as the previous circuits we had done. The Knees to Elbows and Squats were the hardest part of the circuit but they were still managable. We destroyed teh 5kg Med Ball with the slams though (the ball burst) so we had to use a 4kg Ball for the GHD wall balls. If the dont replace the ball by tomorrow we will have to use the 4kg for Ball Slams from now on.

Wednesday 20 July 2011

Power and Strength Circuit

Yesterday was a power and strength and it was a killer. We did the following:-
Pull (catch DB in Lunge) @ 16kg
Snatch @ 20kg
SOTS Press @ 2 x 8kg DBs
Bent-over Row @ 32.5kg
30 reps at each station, 10 seconds to switch, (three rounds 2 mins rest between rounds)
After the 2nd round my Quads, Forearms and Lats were burning loads. Still managed the session in 20mins max and felt good for doing it.

Monday 18 July 2011

Those Burpees Suck

Tonight we have 100 Burpee Pull Up Combo. The Burpee Pull Up works every muscle in the body, so I expect to be extremely shattered once this workout is completed. It should only take 20-30mins in total but with all the muscles groups that are working in this workout we should strip alot of fat and burn a few calories.

Sunday 17 July 2011

Sunday is always rest day

Today we did nothing but rest. This is the only day we have off so I was pleased for the rest.

Saturdays = Legs

Yesterday we did strength or volume training depending on what you wanted from the session. Volume (low weight 10 x 10 reps) enables you to gain mass, whilst also stripping fat due to the intensity of the workout, whilst strength work is heavy weights with low reps and sets. Jonicus and I did Strength whilst Iriwnius did Volume.
Strength workout consisted of:-
5 x 3 Squats at 140kg
3 x 5 Stiff Leg Deads at 92.5kg
3 x 5 Split Squats at 97.5kg
4 x 8 Calf Raises at 150kg

Volume Work consisted of:
10 x 10 Squats at 97.5kg

The Strength work was tough as my Gluets are killing today (the day after).

Friday 15 July 2011

Week 15 Photo


Tonights workout is prodominantly power based to develop strong thighs and shoulders. We also have some strength exercises throw in for good measure. Tonights session is as follows:-

10 x Box Jumps @ 34"
20 x Ball Slams @ 5kg Ball
30 x Thrusters @ 2 x 14kg Dumbbells
20 x Clean and Jerk @ 32kg
10 x Box Jump @ 30"
20 x One hand Overhead Lunge @ 12kg Dumbbell
30 x Push Press @ 2 x 14kg Dumbbells
20 x Bosu Press Ups
10 x Box Jumps @ 24"

We will report on how the workout was once completed.

Thursday 14 July 2011

Leg and Ab Ladder

Tonight we will be doing the following workout:-
20 x Overhead Squat @ 20kg
20 x GHD Sit-up (full ROM, of course)
30 x Front Squat @ 42.5kg
30 x Knees-to-Elbows
40 x Back Squat @ 67.5kg
40 x Sit-up (feet anchored)
50 x Air Squat
50 x Atomic Sit-up (V-style Sit-up -- legs crunch toward body as torso raises, feet do not touch ground, ever)

As you can see it is entirely Leg and Ab based. We will report on how it goes once it is completed.

Wednesday 13 July 2011

3 Rounds of Mini Circuits

Tonights session was circuit based, with high reps. We did 3 rounds of exercises consisting of 4 exercises per mini circuit. The work out was:-
Round one:
25 x Box Jumps @ 24"
25 x Knee to Elbows on rings
25 x Push Press @ 2 x 18kg Dumbbells
25 x Decline Press Ups (hands on floor feet on 24" box)

Round two:
10 x Box Jumps @ 28"
10 x Knee to Elbows
10 x Thrusters @ 2 x 18kg Dumbbells
10 x Bar Dips

Round three:
Repeat round one.

It was a really tough session but it only lasted 15-20mins. Abs and Shoulders are aching something chronic.

Tuesday 12 July 2011

Tonights Workout

This consisted of 5 x 5 x 20 metre sprints with a 2 minute rest in between each set. All in all a great workout to shed fat, lots of explosive power required. Unfortunately, 3 of the 6 Spartans were missing.

Monday 11 July 2011

Week 11 - 300 workout

Week 3 - 300 Workout

A Brief Introduction

Everyone dreams of a beach body, shedding a few pounds acquired over the winter so you can feel comfortable when strutting on a beach. Actors and models look great, physically they are in optimum condition and give individuals something to aspire to. Unfortunately in the real world people are constrained by time and money. We don't have endless hours to spend in the gym sculpting our bodies, nor do we have a personal nutritionist on hand who can recommend or cook our meals.

This is the story of 6 normal guys who have adopted the 300 workout based on Gym Jones website. A 20 week programme designed to strip fat, build muscle and give us the physique we have longed for. I hope you enjoy reading.