Thursday 21 July 2011

Tonights Session

Tonights session is another up the ladder circuit. This time we have:-
10 x Pull Ups
20 x Press Ups
30 x Squats @ 60kg
400m Row
The session shouldnt last too long, but I have a feeling that with the rowing thrown in with the strength components it will be a tough one
I had an idea to vary the grip / stance / hand positioning per round on the strength exercises, so start off with wide grip pulls, wide arm press ups, and power squats and each round bring the grip closer to make it narrower? We will see how that pans out though.

1 comment:

  1. On paper this session looked fair easy / straight forward but in practise it was anything but. The 1st round wasnt too bad, but after that I just felt falt, had to break down the pulls up into 8 and then 2, and then the Squats in to 2 x 15reps before bashing out the 400m on the rower. Times on the rower werent too bad 1 min 19secs through to 1min 25secs but still not great. Session tomorrow shouldnt be as hard, although we have alot of Abs to do.
